Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Mark of Something Good.

Some people say that we always ask for signs to make us decide or have our plans put into action. But it's really funny how such things can affect us. As for me, I waited for a sign to start disciplining and controlling myself again. This recent month of July and June, I have been to stubborn and keep things how I think they should be without considering the possible consequences. Somehow the phrase "Just do it.". won't actually bring me any good.
So as far as I am concerned, bridging out my concerns on my weight and figure up to the extent of finances and expenses would be taken in high consideration from here on. The proper usage of the journal and organizer will be taken priority and likewise, I know it will exercise precaution as well as preparation specially if something unexpected may come up. As the saying goes, better prepared than sorry. ^_*

1. Proper Figure and Maintaining Weight
2.  Increasing Sales, Investment and Savings
3. Continuous Growth in Career and Intellectual Capabilities
4. Personality and Confidence Enhancement
5. Financial Stability and Strength

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