Sunday, October 23, 2011

Never file for OVERTIME again!!

LOL, looking back at what happened earlier caused me grievance, annoyance and frustrations. Well come on, I do my responsibilities in attending my shift and doing my best in all my shift. Come to think of it, one of those is the filing of overtime for additional income. Filing for overtime has been a daily habit of most of the workers as it seems as a good way and sure source of income despite the regular pay.
I had filed for my Sunday rest day overtime for quite some time now. Thinking that of course it's a good start. I applied for the 08:00am - 10:00am overtime then 10:00am - 02:00pm. But thing is, for the past few days, the 10am OT shift said it is for 10am - 12nn. So not thinking twice, I thought maybe there was an update so I will follow my schedule on my listed file. However, earlier I came up to an argument with my teammates saying that my schedule lister says its til 12nn only. Besides, I have another appointment to attend to. Hence, I was forced to call to my team lead about what I should do. She said what do I want to do, will I want to continue the 4hrs OT or settle with the 2hrs OT.
I humbly asked to have it at 2hrs since I needed to go already by 12 due to family matters. However, my teammates said this and that.  The thing is, when I came back after my call to the team lead, it was updated and said, its a 4hrs OT. Which I think is a bullshit! So when it stuck 12nn, I went out and get the hell out of there. Well it's not my fault anyway. In the first place, it's the operations department's mistake, not mine. I am only following the one listed on my schedule lister. It is the responsibility of that department! Not mine! Holy crap they are! >_<
Hence, I therefore conclude, I won't file in an overtime anymore. It's not worth it. Geez, talk about the hassle, right?!

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